We completely understand that there are times when you might need to request a refund for a purchase. Just so you know, we don’t handle the purchases directly, so you'll need to contact the platform where you made the purchase.
The refund process can take a bit of time, and there are specific guidelines on which purchases can be refunded. While we're here to help you navigate the process, our team doesn’t have control over the final decision.
To get started, please select the device you used for your purchase below to see the detailed instructions:
Computer or Laptop
- Open Facebook Payment Support: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/1937556639801443
- Select "Instant Games (Games in Messenger)".
- Select "In-app game purchase (i.e. games in Facebook Messenger)".
- Select "Process a refund".
- Select "Accidental charges on my statement" or "Purchase made by someone under 18 years of age".
- Fill in the required fields, including your payment ID, purchase date, and amount, along with the reason for your refund request. Scroll down to learn how to find Facebook Payment ID.
- Once you've entered all the details, click "Send".
Where to find my Facebook Payment ID?
- Go to the Orders and Payments section of Facebook's Account Center: https://secure.facebook.com/facebook_pay/?referrer=accounts_center
- You’ll see a list of your purchases. Click on the purchase for which you want a refund. If you don’t see it, click "See all" to view older purchases.
. - Copy the transaction ID (also known as your Facebook Payment ID), the transaction date, and the transaction amount.
Android Phone
Open the Google Play Store app.
Tap your profile picture in the top right corner and select “Payments & subscriptions.”
Tap “Budget & history” to view your purchases.
Find the item you want a refund for and tap on it.
If eligible, tap “Refund” and follow the instructions.
Check your email for a confirmation regarding your refund status.
Note: Refund requests are typically valid within 48 hours of purchase.
For more help, visit the Google Play Help Center: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2479637
iPhone or iPad
- Go to Apple's help website: https://reportaproblem.apple.com/
- Sign in with the account you used for the purchase.
- You'll see a list of your purchases.
- Click the dropdown list under "What can we help with?" and choose "Request a refund."
- In the "Tell us more" field, select the reason that applies to your situation.
- Choose the product you’d like to refund from the list and click the blue "Submit" button.
For more help, visit the Apple Help Center: https://support.apple.com/118223
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